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Quietly Improving Your Environment

Impressive Results from VOC Emission Testing of Our Damping Glues!

We are pleased to share the results from our tests of damping glues DG-1000 and DG-2000, focusing on emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC). VOCs in indoor air are often considered odoriferous irritants, and at the concentrations typically found indoors, they can cause odors, sensory irritation in the eyes and upper respiratory tract, and a perceived reduction in air quality.

The testing was conducted by RISE using a standardized method. During the test, 1 kg of glue was applied to a surface and then placed in a test chamber with a controlled climate for 28 days. After this period, the levels of various volatile organic compounds in the air were measured.

The results showed that our damping glues meet the stringent requirements of Byggvarubedömningen for five different types of chemical substances. All measured levels were so low that the glue meets Byggvarubedömningens strict future requirements for VOC emissions.

We are proud to offer products that are not only effective but also safe for indoor environments.

Damping Glue DG-1000

Damping Glue DG-2000

Image of Vibratec Damping Glue

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