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Norsk Akustisk Selskap
Quietly Improving Your Environment

Vibratec deltar på Norsk Akustisk Selskaps Høstmøte 2024

Vibratec ser frem til å delta som utstiller på høstmøtet i Bergen 1.–2. november.

Vi håper at mange av dere vil besøke vår utstilling disse dagene for å oppdage våre innovative løsninger innen lyd- og vibrasjonsisolering. Vi ser frem til å møte dere og diskutere hvordan våre produkter kan bidra til deres prosjekter.

Dato: 1.–2. november 2024
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus, Bergen
Les mer om Norsk Akustisk Selskaps Høstmøte 2024 her

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Image of ExxonMobil Guyana FSPO Jaguar
  • Offshore

Vibratec delivers AVM’s to FPSO Jaguar

Vibratec has delivered nine AVM’s (anti-vibration mounts) to SBM Offshore. These AVM’s will support three motor-gear-pump skids on the FPSO Jaguar (Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading) unit for the Whiptail project in Guyana.

Image of CLD-tile installation at SSAB's factory
  • Industrial
  • Infrastructure

Constrained Layer Damping of Chute

SSAB in Oxelösund is one of the world’s largest producers of advanced steel for various industries. The steel mill is running day and night, and some of the production uses recycled steel as raw material.

Image of Royal Opera in Flemingsberg
  • Construction

Vibratec Solutions for the Royal Opera

Designed to meet the highest acoustic standards, Vibratecs innovative solution ensures exceptional soundproofing and vibration isolation

Vibratec broschures, Industry, Marine, Defence, Offshore, Construction
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  • Marine
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Discover Our Updated Brochures

We are excited to announce that we now have updated brochures, as well as a new and improved product catalogue for the construction sector!

Picture of Vibratecs Floor System VT-dBlock with 25 mm high isolators
  • Construction

Enhance Acoustic Comfort with Vibratec’s Floor System VT-dBlock!

Vibratec’s VT-dBlock is an adjustable floor system that combines quick and easy installation with effective sound and vibration isolation.

Image of gym and weights
  • Construction

New Year, New Opportunities!

When integrating a gym into a mixed urban space, such as buildings that combine workout areas with residential or commercial spaces, noise and vibration control becomes a key consideration

Image of recording studio
  • Construction

Creating Optimal Acoustic Environments: Vibratec’s “Room in room” Solutions

In the ever-changing world of the music industry, the demand for high-quality recording spaces has never been greater. With platforms like Spotify reshaping how we listen to music, ensuring outstanding audio quality has become critical for both artists and producers. But achieving this level of quality requires more than just modern equipment – it demands…

  • Construction
  • Industry

The Importance of Building Base Isolation in an Urban Environment

This is more of a case study than a news post. Here we want to explain the importance of optimising a floor to meet the requirement of noise and vibrations through a building to ensure a better working and living environment for the tenants.

  • Construction

Vibration Isolation for Multi-storey Timber Buildings

Avoid structure-borne noise from vibrations in lightweight structures to achieve effective vibration isolation in timber buildings. In recent years, multi-storey timber buildings have become a significant part of the new constructions of apartment blocks. The increase in timber construction brings several positive aspects, including a reduced climate impact and the possibility of a faster and…